March 29, 2010

Our song

In time I'll figure out what's wrong
Which is the key that ends our song
And then I'll finally move on
Starting a new one once you're gone

The one song that was meant to be
A lullaby for you and me
Became a ballad for the ones
That lived the same story as us

Our song is not what it should be
It's not what any eye can see
It's not what any ear can hear
Not even I believe it's clear

It can be love to someone's eyes
While someone else only sees lies
It can be music to one's soul
And noise to he who doesn't know

Our not just any song
We've dreamed of it for so so long
Our song is just how it should be
What only you and I can see

Recently I had the incredible honor of having this poem translated into romanian by Carmen, a talented writer that I admire very much. In my opinion, it came out perfectly. Don't know now which one of them I like more.
So this is her version of "Our song", named "Cantecul nostru".
Carmen... thank's :X....speechless


no name said...


carmen said...

E plina de emotie si canta cu adevarat.:X

Anonymous said...

I think this one is the best..

no name said...

parca "the best" e putin spus:))

Anonymous said...

fara grade de comparatie :)) 4 me is the best :P

no name said...

bine bine:))
cum spui tu:P

no name said...

i think that it's more then "wow"
i just love it...both:x

carmen said...

Eu ma simt onorata de aprecierile tale. Versurile acestea si-au cantat singure muzica si s-au scris in romana aproape singuure. Eu le-am ajutat doar putin si am facut aceasta cu multa bucurie.

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